Welcome to ICS2O


Web Pages



  1. Getting Started with Web Pages - Your First Page
  2. House Spider - Learning the Basic Tags
  3. House Spider Part 2 - Formatting your Code and Getting your Site Online
  4. Grass Spider - Tables and Showing Your Pages Online
  5. Garden Spider - Cascading Stylesheets and Lists (CSS)
  6. Ant Mimic Spider - Computer Security
  7. Black Widow - Putting it All Together
  8. Careers Assignment

HTML and CSS Resources

  1. Getting Started with Animations
  2. KhanAcademy
  3. Introductory Assignments
  4. Moving things around
    1. Example of a person walking
    2. Arrays
    3. Loops and index variables
    4. Using images
  5. Using the Mouse
  6. Using the Keyboard
  7. Sounds and Images
  8. Video Game Assignment
    1. Example video game: Mr. Taylor's Lunar Lander

Processing Resources

  1. Getting Started with Arduino
    1. Testing LEDs
    2. Blinking an LED
  2. Traffic Light Assignment
  3. Eight Segment Display Assignment
  4. Input Devices - Switches
  5. Input Devices - Pots
  6. Output Devices - Speakers
  7. Sensing things
  8. Musical Instrument Assignment
  9. Moving things
  10. Communications
  11. Communications
  12. Arduino and Processing Assignment

Arduino Resources

Mr. Taylor's Class Portfolios

Mr. Hughes' Class Portfolios