Black Widow: Good and Bad Web Page Design

Black Widow


The content of a web page provides information to users, but the style or appearance has a strong influence on whether people will believe or trust that information. The appearance will influence their emotions.

Do some research about how the appearance of web pages can influence people. I suggest doing a Google search using the key words: "web page design rules". You will find many web pages giving the 5, 10 or 13 "best" rules for making good web pages. Make your own notes about these rules, then make some example web pages that follow the rules and that break the rules (examples of good and bad web pages.) Don't worry about the content of these example web pages; it could just be "blah, blah, blah". To focus your examples, think about the following kinds of businesses that might want a web site:

You will need to create a web page for your summary describing what you have learned about rules for making good web pages. That page should then have links to the good and bad example pages. Please make your OWN good and bad examples, do not copy from someone else. Try to use the good examples to show off all the HTML and CSS that you have learned.

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