ICS2O Careers Assignment


C4. describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies.

You have now learned a little bit about three different types of programming: Web pages with HTML and CSS, animations using Java or JavaScript, and micro control programming (Arduino). There are interesting and well-paying jobs for people in all three of these areas. Don't believe me - find out for yourself!

As usual, create your own web page with the information you find. Make three sections in your web page for the three different types of programming, plus a fourth section about a possible career path for you. Save the file as YournameCareers.html

Start by going to some of the job search tools that are available in the Internet, for example,
www.workopolis.com or jobsearch.monster.ca
and search for jobs using keywords about the types of programming you have learned. When you find some related jobs, look for other keywords in the job description that might help you do a better search.

On your web page, summarize what you read about the job descriptions and requirements by trying to answer the following questions:

After you have found some job ads in each of the three areas, start a new section on your web page and write a few paragraphs about a possible path from where you are now, towards getting one of the jobs.