Ant Mimic Spider

Ant Mimic Spider


This assignment is to investigate one of the many ways in which computers and/or software can be attacked and/or protected from attacks. Your first task is to do a small amount of investigation about some of the ideas listed below. Choose one that you are interested in, but that you do NOT know very much about already (this assignment is to help you learn more, not just show off what you already know.)

Send your teacher an e-mail requesting one of the topics. If you are the first to request it, your name will be placed beside the topic and you may start your research. If you are investigating a way that computers or software can be attacked, find out how the process works, the meanings of any special vocabulary, in what way it harms people, why it is a bad thing to do, and what individuals, the police or the government can do for protection. If you are investigating a method of protection, find out what it protects against, how it works, how much effort or cost is involved and who needs to use it.

As usual, you should put your report into a web page created with HTML tags. Upload the page to GitHub and make a link from your portfolio. Also send the link to your teacher in an e-mail. Links will be added to this assignment page, and you are expected to read all the other students' pages in preparation for a quiz about computer security.

Why do you think we chose the Ant Mimic Spider for this assignment?

Spam Jaeho Spam filters Jaeho
Spoofing and Phishing Jieru Captchas Jieru
Viruses and Worms Lucca Virus checkers Lucca
Identity theft Will Passwords Will
Trojan horses and Backdoors Khai Biometrics Khai
Chain mail Backups
Spyware and Keylogging Dragi Firewalls Dragi
Adware Network monitor
Botnet Smartcards
Denial-of-Service attack Cryptography or encryption
Hackers Cory Security updates Cory
Cyber-bullying Andrea Laws Andrea
Ransomware Safe on-line shopping