Web pages are written in a special language called "HyperText Markup Language" or HTML.

We will start this course on programming by learning some HTML code, and later an associated formatting language called "Cascading Style Sheets" or CSS. There are many tools available on the Internet to help people create fancy web pages WITHOUT learning HTML and CSS. However when you want to create something really new and unique, there is no better way than coding it yourself.

We are going to use the simplest tools for our programming so that you learn the basics of coding without the tool doing too much of the work for you.


Although there are fancy HTML editors out there, we will be using free software throughout the entire course. All software will be based the Windows platform but some do have a Mac OS version as well. See your teacher should you use a Mac computer at home and would like an equivalent product.

You will have a choice of which software you would like to use for the HTML unit. Your choices are:


Step 1 - Let's Look at Some Code

This website was made using HTML and CSS. Let's have a look at the code that puts it all together.

Step 2 - Create Folders

  1. Start by creating a folder callled YourNameICS2O on your Local Disk (most likely the D: Drive).
  2. Next, create a subfolder called HTML Unit where you will save all the webpages from the lessons and assignments we will be working on throughout this unit.
  3. Pat yourself on the back if you completed those steps successfully! Otherwise, ask your teacher for help.

Step 2 - Create Your First HTML Page

  1. Start by opening Notepad or Notepad++ on a Windows computer.
  2. Type the following text exactly as it is shown here, except replace "Name" with your first name:

    first webpage sample code

  3. Save the file to your HTML Unit folder as index.html. Make sure you type it all in lower case, with the extension .html, not .txt.
  4. Double click the html file in your folder to view the page in your preferred browser
  5. You just made a webpage! Watch out Facebook ... competition is on its way!


It's all well and good to copy some code but do you understand what is happening? Let's start finding out what the code is actually doing.

Once you have completed the tasks and answered the questions above properly, see your teacher in order to be marked as complete. After that, you are ready to move on the the next stage House Spider.