p5 code for this sketch

Summative Project

Make your own video game

The summative project for this course will be to create your own video game that will be played on a web page. You should use all the things you have learned in this course to show off that you have met all the expectations. The evaluation of your project will count as 30% of your final report card mark. This should be your best work and should be the highlight of your ICS2O Portfolio.

There are many different kinds of game that can be made using the web page (HTML) and Processing code that you have learned. You should think of an idea that you find interesting and exciting.

  1. Start by specifying the requirements for your game.
    1. Make a new web page from your template and link to it from your portfolio.
    2. In that web page, describe what you want to create for your game.
    3. What will it look like on the screen to start?
    4. What will be the goal that the player is trying to reach?
    5. How will the player control things?
    6. What will be happening during the game?
    7. Will there be a score? What will change the score?
    8. What will end the game? How will the player win or lose?
  2. Plan your game.
    1. What new p5 code do you need to learn? Search on KhanAcademy, the p5 reference manual, and/or ask your teacher.
    2. What functions will you need to create?
    3. Start writing instructions for the player of your game and put them on your web page.
  3. Write the code.
  4. Test your code - make sure it works the way your requirements specified. Get someone else to test your game by following the instructions on your web page.
  5. Fix your code, your requirements and your instructions so that everything is consistent.
  6. Remember to organize your code and include comments so that the teacher can understand what you are doing. This will also help YOU remember what you are doing and will help you find mistakes.

In the example game below, click on Start with the mouse, then use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move and fire.