Grass Spider: Comparing computer components

Grass Spider



Computers and their software keep changing. The companies that sell computers would like you to buy more computers even if you have one already. In this assignment, you must talk to your family about what they might want a new computer to do, then compare some different options for what your family might buy. The comparison will be done in a table.


Who in your family would like a new computer the most (could be more than one person)?

Talk to that person or those people in your family and find out what they will want to do using the computer. What are their needs and wants? What preferences do they have for things like the display, the keyboard, the memory, networking, printing, sound, etc. Take notes about what you learn from them about their requirements.

Research: Computers

Do some research about what computers are available. Find out what their capabilities are, and make sure they match what the person wants. Try to find two alternatives, and look for advantages and disadvantages. Find out prices available in Ottawa or delivered to Ottawa. For example, compare a laptop and a desktop computer, or compare a laptop and a tablet.

Research: Peripherals

Do some research about what peripherals would be needed to make the computer meet the requirements. Peripherals are things that you attach to the computer outside its main box, such as headphones, printers, a mouse, etc. Again, find out capabilities, compare to requirements and explain the advantages and disadvantages amongst two alternatives. Find out prices.

Research: Operating Systems

Describe which operating system each computer uses. Find out capabilities, advantages, disadvantages of each operating system

Create a web page to present the information you have found. Your web page must include both the person's requirements and the computers, peripherals and operating systems that you have investigated. Organize the information in a table (like the one above). Include links to other websites that contain detailed information and how to buy the equipment.

Upload this web page to your GitHub repository and edit your index.html file to add a link to it.


Evaluations by levels for understanding computer systems, peripherals and operating systems. Evaluation by levels for the coding of the web page.

The next assignment is Garden Spider - Cascading Stylesheets and Lists (CSS).